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What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid.Folic acid is an essential vitamin for expectant mothers. It is important for heart health, helps in cancer prevention, and promotes brain health. We understand what else vitamin B9 is useful for and what foods it contains. In the middle of the 20th century, American biochemists struggled with the secret of a substance that helps pregnant women with megaloblastic anemia. In 1941, they managed to obtain folic acid from spinach leaves, and by 1945 they were able to synthesize it chemically. and we came to know about What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid.

What Importance Of Folic Acid
What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-What is Folic Acid

Folic acid is a scientifically engineered water-soluble analogue of vitamin B9, essential for the proper development of the circulatory and immune systems. In 1931, the existence of an unknown substance that helps pregnant women overcome megaloblastic anemia was reported by doctor and researcher Lucy Wills. She noticed that her patients recovered after taking the yeast extract.

Only ten years later, scientists were able to establish that this substance was folate, and remove it from spinach leaves. And for the first time it took 4 tons of plants. The drug was called folic acid - from the Latin word folium (leaf). By 1945, they learned how to synthesize it chemically.

Folic acid and all its derivatives are classified as folates. However, there are some differences between the artificial vitamin and B9 found in foods in how they are absorbed and act on the body.

Folate is found in beans, broccoli, leafy vegetables, eggs, beef liver, etc. Remember: the more processed the products are, the less useful substances remain in them. Folic acid supplements are not necessary if a person leads a healthy lifestyle and eats a balanced diet.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-What is Folic Acid For?

We store most of our folate stores in the liver, and the rest in the blood and tissues. This substance is critical for a wide range of functions in the body

  • Production and maintenance of the health of new cells;
  • The process of DNA replication;
  • Cell division;
  • Metabolism of nucleic and amino acids;
  • Maturation of erythrocytes.

Folate deficiency is associated with an increased risk of megaloblastic anemia and heart disease. Vitamin B9 deficiency in pregnant women can lead to various developmental disorders in the child.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-Dosage 

Synthetic folic acid is almost completely absorbed by the body, while folate, which a person receives from food, is absorbed by about 50%.

Recommended intake for folate:
  • Birth to 6 months: 65 mcg/day
  • Up to a year: 80 mcg / day
  • 1–3 years: 150 mcg/day
  • 4–8 years: 200 mcg/day
  • 9–13: 300 mcg/day
  • From 14 years old: 400 mcg / day
  • Pregnant women (with an uncomplicated obstetric history): 400–600 mcg/day
  • Nursing mothers: 500 mcg/day.

Although cases of folic acid overdose are extremely rare, its excess can lead to a number of negative health effects. The daily intake of folate should not exceed 1000 µg/day.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-Benefits 

Since its discovery, folic acid has been considered primarily a "female vitamin". It plays an important role in the maturation of eggs, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, and the development of the fetus. However, further medical research has shown that this substance has many beneficial properties for all.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-May Prevent Pregnancy Complications

A sufficient amount of folate in the body of a future mother is important for the quality of eggs, their implantation, and fetal maturation. Often, folic acid supplements are prescribed to pregnant women to prevent birth defects in the development of the child, as well as complications associated with pregnancy, in particular preeclampsia [ 9 ]. In addition, high levels of vitamin B9 in the body are associated with a lower risk of preterm birth.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels

Folic acid can reduce the chance of spikes in blood sugar levels and increase the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. A folate-rich diet may reduce the risk of diabetic complications, including neuropathy.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-Helps in Cancer Prevention

In the late 1980s, evidence emerged that a diet based on green leafy foods rich in folate, fiber, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients could prevent colon cancer. In those years, the concept of “folic anti-cancer diet” became popular.

A diet rich in foods rich in vitamins B9, B6 and B12 reduces the risk of breast cancer. Also, with the help of folate, it is possible to slow down the process of tumor growth if it has already appeared.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-Boosts Brain Health

Low blood folate levels are associated with brain dysfunction and an increased risk of dementia. In the elderly, even low B9 levels within the normal range are associated with an increased risk of psychiatric disorders. Folic acid supplements may improve brain function in people with psychiatric disorders and cognitive impairment. The substance helps slow the progression and help treat Alzheimer's disease.

What Is the Importance Of Folic Acid-Mental Disorders

According to studies, people with depression have low levels of folic acid in the blood. Vitamin B9 supplementation in combination with antidepressants is more effective in managing depressive symptoms than antidepressant treatment alone. In addition, folic acid supplementation in combination with antipsychotics has been shown to improve symptomatology in patients with schizophrenia.

Reduces Risk of Heart Disease

Folate plays an important role in the metabolism of homocysteine. An excess of this amino acid increases the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. According to scientists, folic acid supplements can reduce the overall risk of heart disease by 4% and stroke by 10%.

Vitamin B9 supplementation has been associated with improved blood flow and reduced high blood pressure. Both factors have a positive effect on the health of the cardiovascular system.

Limitations and Side Effects

Consuming high doses of synthetic folic acid may mask a B12 deficiency. The fact is that with a lack of both vitamins, megaloblastic anemia develops, and folate effectively copes with this condition. However, it does not correct the neurological problems that occur with B12 deficiency, and the deficiency of an important substance may go unnoticed until irreversible consequences appear.

Also, taking high doses of B9 can reduce the activity of protective immune cells, including natural killer cells (NK cells). It is not recommended to combine folic acid with some prescription drugs, in particular drugs for epilepsy, ulcerative colitis, and some types of cancer and autoimmune diseases. 

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