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Living Longer and Healthier |
Eat Healthily.
Diet plays a significant part in slowing the aging process. Above all, you must adhere to two fundamental rules: Should avoid Large meals If you want to live for 100, make it a practice to consume only what your body requires. Author Dan Buettner, who has researched the lifespan of cultures worldwide, discovered that the oldest Japanese quit eating when they were 80% full. In a study, researchers at St. Louis University in Missouri found the same thing. A healthy diet inhibits the synthesis of the thyroid hormone T3 (triiodothyronine). Significant since this hormone slows metabolism and accelerates the aging process.Eat fruits and vegetables Your mom may have told you this a thousand times, but it's true. You should eat fruits and green vegetables every day. People who experience far fewer chronic diseases have fewer problems with being overweight and live longer. So put some color in your dishes. Even making a pasta dish, adding spinach, broccoli, or carrots on the side will reduce your carbohydrate intake while eating healthier.
Regular Exercise To Get You Out Of Breath
Fifteen minutes of breath-taking exercise daily can help extend your lifespan because regular exercise boosts your metabolism and prevents your heart muscle from becoming stiff. A University of California study found that reducing sitting for an hour a day lowered your risk of heart disease by 26%. In addition, breath-taking exercise, such as aerobics, swimming, and jogging, raises levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.As the elderly age, muscle mass decreases, and the strength of individual muscle cells also decreases. After the 60th birthday, muscle mass reduces by 3% every year. In this case, the basal metabolic rate drops, making it easy to gain weight, and you get tired quickly. If your belly is convex and your legs are starting to thinner, it's already a 'red signal for muscle loss.' 1Loss of muscle strength is natural, but exercise can slow it down.
Drink 2-3 Cups Of Coffee A Day
Drinking 2-3 cups of coffee daily is good for your health. Excessive caffeine intake can excrete calcium from the body and cause osteoporosis. However, according to a study by researchers in Budapest, Hungary, two to three cups of coffee a day lowered the risk of stroke and heart disease. In addition, polyphenols contained in coffee act as antioxidants. It helps prevent diabetes by preventing aging and lowering insulin resistance. According to the journal Nutrition Reviews, drinking one cup of coffee daily reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 6%. In addition, caffeine activates liver and kidney functions, activating body metabolism. In addition, the antidepressant properties of coffee effectively prevent depression by lowering the level of inflammation in the body. According to a Harvard University medical study, drinking coffee reduces the risk of depression by almost a third.Consume Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
True, you've probably heard of omega-3s, which are delivered a small amount in all sauces, even butter alternatives, which are nonetheless pretty harmful. But, to grasp the significance of long-chain fatty acids known as omega-3s, you must first comprehend a scientific truth that I will attempt to clarify:Scientists have discovered how to measure our chromosomes' aging rate by observing their protective capsule's degradation. The ends of your chromosomes have a strict cap called a telomere. Telomeres protect your DNA from harm during cell division. Telomeres are destroyed as you age, and your cells multiply frequently. Your chromosomes and DNA are no longer protected when they are entirely worn down, and your cells die. increase in the sources of inflammation and oxidation in your body speeds up the breakdown of your telomeres.
However, an effective way to reduce inflammation and oxidation in your body is to consume omega-3s.
The sound sources of omega-3 to live longer
Avoid industrial products that offer omega-3s in barely edible products to give you a clear conscience. Eat natural instead, substitute meals or supplements produced from them:- Cod liver oil with oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring)
- Oil from rapeseed (canola oil in Canada)
- Nuts (or oils produced from them) (or oils derived from them)
- Flax (seed or oil) (seed or oil)
- Free-range poultry eggs
- Green veggies (spinach, lamb's lettuce, and so on)
- Meat from free-range animals. The richest are rabbits and geese.
Protein Intake
As you get older, you need to eat meat to get more protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for the production of muscles, hormones, and antibodies in the elderly. There is a common notion that eating a lot is unhealthy. of meat will cause all kinds of diseases. However, while plant-based proteins like soy contain only half of the essential amino acids, meat consists of all eight essential amino acids required by the elderly.The recommended intake of protein suggested by the Korean Society of Nutrition and the Korean Society of Geriatrics for the prevention of senescence is 1.2 g per 1 kg of body weight. According to this standard, it is desirable for an older person who weighs 60 kg to consume 72 g of protein per day. Beef and pork, fish, eggs, and black beans contain a lot of protein.